Loribelle A:
A million ways to be COOL
Loribelle A:
Damian Kulash in Cincinnati
Loribelle A:
Loribelle A:
I can't believe that I took a picture of his shoes.
Loribelle A:
OK GO's Tim and Dan
Loribelle A:
OK GO's Tim-- clapping on the Don't Let Me Down, cover
Loribelle A:
Loribelle A:
Come on, come on! Come back to Cincinnati!
Loribelle A:
His guitar was malfunctioning
Loribelle A:
Damian and Andy
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Tim and Dan and my LUCKY video camera
Loribelle A:
Damian using my "lucky" video camera
Loribelle A:
OK GO in the hotel suite, posing with ice skaters
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Damian Kulash and my sister Linda
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Dan Konopka and my sister Linda
Loribelle A:
Tim Nordwind and my sister and brother-in-law
Loribelle A:
OK GO in Cincinnati Oct 14, 2006
Loribelle A:
Andy Ross and, again, my sister Linda
Loribelle A:
You're so damn hot.
Loribelle A:
Jen, Kevin, and Diane in OK GO's hotel room! (Damian is in the background!)
Loribelle A:
Ok Go's wonderful Dan Konopka
Loribelle A:
Ok Go dancing in Cincinnati
Loribelle A:
Ok Go's Damian Kulash jr. in Cincinnati
Loribelle A:
OK Go's great Damian J. Kulash jr
Loribelle A:
Damian Kulash and some other guy.
Loribelle A:
Loribelle A:
Cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel.....
Loribelle A:
Linda, at OK GO
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Loribelle A:
OK GO in a flurry, blurry. But still so awesome.