Lori ʙailey: Thank you so much for the gift and honor of Group cover he eyes have it all-SL 070523
Lori ʙailey: Thank you so much for the gift and honor of Group cover SL Portraits Its All About The Face ♥ 240423
Lori ʙailey: Thank you so much for the gift and honoro of Group cover ♥ Beautiful Landscapes of SecondLife ♥ (Opt 30/60) 100423
Lori ʙailey: Thank you so much for the gift and honor of Group cover Shimmer Glass Gallery In Honour Of My Sister Amber ♥ 090423
Lori ʙailey: Thank you so much for the gift and honor of Group cover SL beautiful landscapes (NO avatar + HiGH QUALITY only) 230323
Lori ʙailey: Thank you so much for the gift and honor of Group cover Beauty in SL - OPT out 30 60 limits 250323
Lori ʙailey: Thank you so much for the gift and honor of Group cover ♥ Beautiful Portraits of SL (HeadShots Only) ♥ (Opt 30 60) 070323
Lori ʙailey: Thank you so much for the gift and honor of Group cover 030323 Unique Heads At the Breast and Chest Opt Out 30/60
Lori ʙailey: Thank you so much for the gift and honor of Group cover Images around Second Life - by invitation only 210223
Lori ʙailey: Thank you so much for the gift and honor of Group cover ♬ Wonderment ♬ 140223
Lori ʙailey: Thank you so much for the gift and honor of Group cover Panjin 150223
Lori ʙailey: Thank you so much for the gift and honor of Group cover Art Korner SL 050223
Lori ʙailey: Thank you so much for the gift and honor of Group cover ♥ Beautiful Wild Nature with Animals of SL ♥ (Opt 30 60) 280123
Lori ʙailey: Thank you so much for the gift and honor of Group cover E X C L U S I V E Art SL (Invite Only) 080123