Lori Garske: Ballroom From The Past
Lori Garske: Just a Memory
Lori Garske: Hotel On The Lakefront
Lori Garske: Outdoor Patio
Lori Garske: The Past~Originally, Hotel Conneaut boasted 150 guest rooms. Room rates were $1.00 per day and meals were only $.35.
Lori Garske: Walk To The Past
Lori Garske: Hotel Conneaut
Lori Garske: Turn Of The Century Charm
Lori Garske: Ballroom Doorway
Lori Garske: The Stories It Could Tell
Lori Garske: Decaying Memories
Lori Garske: Over Looking the Lake
Lori Garske: Old Boardwalk
Lori Garske: Your Choice
Lori Garske: The Past Decays
Lori Garske: In The Round
Lori Garske: Everyone Has Their Memories
Lori Garske: If A Bench Could Talk
Lori Garske: Yesteryear
Lori Garske: History Woth Repeating
Lori Garske: Hotel Conneaut
Lori Garske: The Past
Lori Garske: Hotel Conneaut Veranda
Lori Garske: In Days Gone By
Lori Garske: Hotel Conneaut In Black And White
Lori Garske: Hotel Parlor
Lori Garske: Memories of The Past
Lori Garske: Water Pump At Hotel Conneaut