Ming❤: Park Day!
Ming❤: Mum, look! I got a beetle here!
Ming❤: Okay, let's take a photo of the day before the sun goes down...
Ming❤: Mum, can I take these kitties home? I think they like me...
Ming❤: I want a lady bug, but a beetle is alright.
Ming❤: Custom Blythe
Ming❤: You are one thing that good in my life.
Ming❤: Summer Song
Ming❤: Summer Song
Ming❤: Play Day
Ming❤: Custom Blythe
Ming❤: Charlotte in Taipei
Ming❤: Meeting Zoet
Ming❤: We did't have a Christmas tree at home so just put a star on my head and I'll be the tree🎄🌟 Merry Christmas Everyone🎈
Ming❤: We are home, Mum...
Ming❤: Summer Song
Ming❤: Three little bear bear bear
Ming❤: Play Day
Ming❤: Happy Birthday Mum🎈(Why there is a piece missing from the cake?) Umm... I might have tasted a bite...
Ming❤: We're moving into a new house so now I'm helping mum to unpack my toys...📦