L C L: café y mucho más --- coffee and much more
L C L: lecciones de vuelo con "Flying Hat" --- flying lessons with "Flying Hat"
L C L: abrazos tiernos en ByN --- tender hugs in B&W
L C L: sobre Venecia --- about Venice
L C L: Nómadas --- 3 --- Nomads
L C L: para seguir caminando --- for to keep walking
L C L: uhmmmm
L C L: el futuro que llega --- future is just arriving
L C L: un poco más arriba --- a bit more up
L C L: duelo de modelos --- models face to face
L C L: pequeños mares interiores --- little inner seas
L C L: no dejes de reir --- don't stop to laugh
L C L: Flying hat...
L C L: Arantxa, nos guardamos aquí tus sonrisas --- Arantxa, we keep your smiles just here
L C L: estamos hechos de palabras --- we are made of words
L C L: ***W A N T E D ***
L C L: y un sol de regalo --- & a sun as a gift
L C L: el blanco, en Casa Macorra --- a cup at "Casa Macorra"
L C L: puedo ver... --- I can see...
L C L: elige tu máscara --- choose your mask
L C L: soñando con sirenas --- dreaming about mermaids
L C L: ciao y besos Rõy Batty :)
L C L: busca tu isla del tesoro --- seek your treasure isle
L C L: football everywhere, even in Venice
L C L: Flying Poppins