L C L: Lisboa --- Lisbon
L C L: Lisboa con un toque rojo --- Lisbon with a red touch
L C L: pensando, esperando, ayunando --- thinking, waiting, fasting
L C L: los amores negados: "el amor libre" --- useless loves: "free love"
L C L: ganas de mar otras vez --- wishing the sea again
L C L: Entre sirenas --- Talking between mermaids
L C L: Lisboa con un toque blanco --- Lisbon with a white touch
L C L: dentro de " A Brasileira" --- inside "A Brasileira"
L C L: Lisboa es azul --- Lisbon is blue
L C L: Lisboa con un toque marrón --- Lisbon with a brown touch
L C L: fuera de "A Brasileira" --- outside "A Brasileira"
L C L: un fantasma apareció en la noche --- a ghost appeared that night
L C L: haz sitio...y deja que pasen cosas --- make a room...and let's something happens
L C L: Tui, desde Portugal --- Tui, from Portugal
L C L: OOohh ~ Porto !!!
L C L: 2 x 3
L C L: "eht ta hcaeb"
L C L: 2 ≠ 2
L C L: ...me gustaría... --- ... I would like it ...
L C L: ...todas las luces --- ...all the lights
L C L: Porto - Gaia
L C L: colecciono paseos por el parque --- I collect walks on parks
L C L: equilibrando --- balancing
L C L: tiempo de hojas --- leaves time
L C L: extraodinarios momentos ordinarios --- extraordinary ordinary moments
L C L: Porto
L C L: Agosto - August 2011 - Oporto
L C L: esperamos un mar --- we wait for a sea
L C L: dentro del Majestic --- inside Majestic
L C L: Miragaia