L C L: Reirme con los ojos --- My eyes are laughing
L C L: Tres colores, tres amigas --- Three colours, three friends
L C L: Uni-Dos --- Twin-Swing
L C L: Irene descubriendo nuevos mundos --- Irene discovering new worlds
L C L: subirse a la tarde --- climbing up the evening
L C L: Mirando mirar la tienda --- looking at to look the tent
L C L: Jugando con arena --- Playing with sand
L C L: Vamos a jugar al fútbol --- Let's go to play football
L C L: la mitad de lo que sabemos --- the half of what we know
L C L: y Elena descubrió que tenía manos --- and Elena discovered that she had hands
L C L: Elena en buena compañía --- Elena in a good company
L C L: ...te pillaré, conejo --- ...I'll catch you, rabbit
L C L: Jugando al escondite de nuevo --- Playing to hide and seek again
L C L: Jugando al escondite en el castillo de la princesa --- Playing to hide & seek at princess' castle
L C L: jugar en la plaza --- playing at the square
L C L: sígueme, yo te seguiré :) --- follow me, I'll follow you :)
L C L: Jugando al escondite --- Playing to hide and seek
L C L: VERANO, tiempo de bicicletas --- 2 --- SUMMER, time of bicycles
L C L: --- s k y w a l k e r --- :)
L C L: cero --- zero
L C L: Cadenas voladoras --- Flying chains
L C L: ojos de gato --- cat's eyes
L C L: el otro lado de rayar el azul --- the other side of "scratching blues"
L C L: el hada ... --- the fairy ...
L C L: tiempo de confidencias --- confidences time
L C L: el niño del árbol ---- a boy in a tree
L C L: 2010
L C L: duelo de modelos --- models face to face
L C L: fly me to the sun ---- llévame hasta el sol
L C L: mundo azul ... --- blue world...