Lorenia: And so, it begins...
Lorenia: Dandelion Communitea Café Logo
Lorenia: Vegan Chili
Lorenia: Hummus and veggies
Lorenia: Ginger curry soup with cashews
Lorenia: Laaate lunch with Justin
Lorenia: Art
Lorenia: Urban Cowboy
Lorenia: Farmer's Market
Lorenia: Gesticulating
Lorenia: Pollen bottom!
Lorenia: Typical toastforbrekkie self-portrait
Lorenia: Loved Lawrenceville
Lorenia: G Mom?
Lorenia: Veggies at brunch
Lorenia: Shrimp Salad
Lorenia: Glare-y!
Lorenia: Classy!
Lorenia: Welcome to Tennessee
Lorenia: Hangover Land
Lorenia: Happy parents
Lorenia: Gingers!
Lorenia: WANT to KIDNAP
Lorenia: I am happiest when with babies
Lorenia: And clearly, I want to eat them.
Lorenia: Oliver with Daddy
Lorenia: Not sure what was neat about this