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Insect/bug macros 2010 by Lord V
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Lord V
Crop from Dronefly hoverfly #2
Lord V
Dronefly hoverfly #2 Eristalis tenax
Lord V
Dronefly hoverfly #1 Eristalis tenax
Lord V
A hardy bluebottle fly
Lord V
First bug venturing out after the ice- a springtail of course
Lord V
A suprise fly -Norellia spinipes female
Lord V
Crop from A suprise fly
Lord V
Window gnat #1
Lord V
Crop from Window gnat #1
Lord V
Window gnat #2
Lord V
Springtail and raindrop #1
Lord V
Springtail and raindrop #2
Lord V
Springtail and raindrop #3
Lord V
Springtail and raindrop #4
Lord V
Dew on a springtail #1
Lord V
Crop from Dew on a springtail #1
Lord V
Dew on a springtail #2
Lord V
Crop from Dew on a springtail #2
Lord V
Harlequin ladybird enjoying a brief spell of sunshine #1
Lord V
Harlequin ladybird enjoying a brief spell of sunshine #2
Lord V
Harlequin ladybird enjoying a brief spell of sunshine #3
Lord V
Fly about in some sunshine #1
Lord V
Fly about in some sunshine #2
Lord V
Marmalade hoverfly around during a brief spell of sunshine #1
Lord V
Crop from Marmalade hoverfly around during a brief spell of sunshine #1
Lord V
Marmalade hoverfly around during a brief spell of sunshine #2
Lord V
Marmalade hoverfly around during a brief spell of sunshine #3
Lord V
Marmalade hoverfly around during a brief spell of sunshine #4
Lord V
Crop from Marmalade hoverfly around during a brief spell of sunshine #4
Lord V
Dew covered chironomid midge #1
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