Lord V: There's only one thing stops a hoverfly in mid flight.. Male hoverfly Syritta pipiens
Lord V: Flower dewdrop refraction #4 with spider
Lord V: Dewdrop flower refraction
Lord V: Christmas fly
Lord V: Ever get the feeling you are being watched ? Dewdrop refraction
Lord V: Now that is a clever trick
Lord V: Crop of fly shot
Lord V: beauty and revulsion #2
Lord V: What was that ? dewdrop refraction #4
Lord V: A big Globular Springtail
Lord V: 14 spot ladybird #3
Lord V: Three dewdrop refractions
Lord V: House Fly starting to blow a bubble
Lord V: focus stacked spider Xysticus cristatus
Lord V: Orchid jewels
Lord V: Damselfly closeup
Lord V: Fly Head
Lord V: The end of a barkfly - Predatory spider mite
Lord V: fly closeup
Lord V: Water drop on water surface #2
Lord V: Bluebottle bubble blowing
Lord V: Dewdrop flower refraction #3
Lord V: Rainy day macros #1
Lord V: Flower dewdrop refraction #1
Lord V: Dewdrop refraction #1
Lord V: Carnation dewdrop flower refraction #3
Lord V: Hoverfly Myathropa florae enlargement
Lord V: Dewdrop flower refraction #3
Lord V: Hello - damselfly on orchid flower #1
Lord V: 7-spot ladybird