julius yang: Macro test
julius yang: Pondering
julius yang: Red Lobster cheese biscuits
julius yang: Testing max zoom
julius yang: On the way
julius yang: On the way
julius yang: Now that's a tire
julius yang: Miles of straight highway
julius yang: Shannon zones
julius yang: Preparing the gullet
julius yang: Dried tatami sardine salad
julius yang: Spiny lobster special
julius yang: Deep fried bean curd with mochi inside
julius yang: Kurobuta pork cheek
julius yang: Kobe beef with wasabi
julius yang: Agedashi tofu
julius yang: Butter sauteed scallop with soy sauce
julius yang: Foie gras with glazed soy-based sauce
julius yang: le menu
julius yang: le menu
julius yang: le menu
julius yang: le menu
julius yang: Fluffy cheese cake
julius yang: Green tea creme brulee
julius yang: Does this woman look pregnant to you?
julius yang: Again with the smug look
julius yang: Graduates!
julius yang: Holly ponders the menu
julius yang: Shannon, post show