julius yang: Ants! In! My! Hotel! Bed! Agh!
julius yang: The dance area
julius yang: Mom, strike a pose
julius yang: Mom has an idea
julius yang: Why do I always look smug?
julius yang: Mountain Terrace, Woodside
julius yang: Dad, Uncle, Aunt, Mom's fro
julius yang: Long arms are handy
julius yang: It's her day
julius yang: Confronting the future
julius yang: So very happy
julius yang: The Kiss
julius yang: Almost there... Stay on target!
julius yang: A beautiful bride
julius yang: The woods have eyes
julius yang: Lyn kept motioning them closer together, haha
julius yang: Here comes the bride
julius yang: Andy and Aunt Vicki
julius yang: Gilda, Gilbert, and Roberto Camama
julius yang: A bit underexposed
julius yang: Taking a breather
julius yang: Siblings
julius yang: Aunt Vicki and Uncle Chien
julius yang: Aunt Shiao-Ling, Uncle Wei-Chih, and cousin Grace outside Hobee's
julius yang: Sisters
julius yang: Blue Grace
julius yang: Uncle works out a lot