Lord Gregor: Captain Kindle Burns
Lord Gregor: A real Jolly Roger
Lord Gregor: Jack Jr. and Son Burns
Lord Gregor: Cutest Robin...EVER!!!
Lord Gregor: Beautiful Vampires!
Lord Gregor: Son Burns
Lord Gregor: David Prowse Q&A session
Lord Gregor: Female Robin
Lord Gregor: Riddler and Catwoman
Lord Gregor: R2-D2, Bike Trooper, Jedi, and rebel pilot.
Lord Gregor: Well dressed couple
Lord Gregor: Indiana Jane
Lord Gregor: Two-face, a Jedi, and Lara Croft
Lord Gregor: Poison Ivy
Lord Gregor: Cobra Commander and Henchwoman
Lord Gregor: A Jawa, Salacious B. Crumb, and Jack 2.0
Lord Gregor: Rosie the Riveter
Lord Gregor: Lady Death
Lord Gregor: Borderlands Character
Lord Gregor: Minion #24
Lord Gregor: Integra from Hellsing
Lord Gregor: Hangin' with a Mandalorian.
Lord Gregor: Cool masks.
Lord Gregor: Jack 2.0 attacks his compatition.
Lord Gregor: Alucard and Integra from Hellsing
Lord Gregor: Captain America
Lord Gregor: I got this!
Lord Gregor: Ghostbuster vs. Death Eater
Lord Gregor: Melfina from Outlaw Star
Lord Gregor: BMO and Steampunk girl