Lord Gregor: Emily grows a beard!
Lord Gregor: A fairy merchant.
Lord Gregor: An entire family.
Lord Gregor: Me with the beautiful pirate wenches.
Lord Gregor: Lady Blossom with two pirate wenches.
Lord Gregor: Lady Blossom with two pirate wenches.
Lord Gregor: A beautiful patron.
Lord Gregor: Cats invade the faire!
Lord Gregor: Well dressed couple.
Lord Gregor: Wizards and a knight.
Lord Gregor: I want to suck your blood!
Lord Gregor: Stand fast!
Lord Gregor: Stand fast!
Lord Gregor: Stand fast!
Lord Gregor: 3 beautiful Gypsies.
Lord Gregor: Cheers!
Lord Gregor: The beautiful Gabrielle.
Lord Gregor: Dead-Eye with Gabrielle.
Lord Gregor: A well dressed patron.
Lord Gregor: Trina and Dave!
Lord Gregor: Cats on trial.
Lord Gregor: Pillow Fight!
Lord Gregor: Pillow Fight!
Lord Gregor: She's no longer a fawn!
Lord Gregor: Beautiful!
Lord Gregor: Beautiful!
Lord Gregor: A wizard and his family.
Lord Gregor: Armored patrons.
Lord Gregor: A well dressed pirate wench.
Lord Gregor: Candid shot Dead-Eye.