Lord Gregor: Saijin & Kir Silverblade
Lord Gregor: Saijin & Kir Silverblade
Lord Gregor: Richie
Lord Gregor: Goreloth
Lord Gregor: The Main Hall.
Lord Gregor: The whole gang!
Lord Gregor: Preparing our lord for battle.
Lord Gregor: Preparing our lord for battle.
Lord Gregor: Balancing act.
Lord Gregor: Balancing act.
Lord Gregor: Waiting to start.
Lord Gregor: Gathering in the main hall.
Lord Gregor: Gathering in the main hall.
Lord Gregor: Gathering in the main hall.
Lord Gregor: I love the ears.
Lord Gregor: Me & Richie
Lord Gregor: Me & Richie
Lord Gregor: Getting our orders.
Lord Gregor: Getting our orders.
Lord Gregor: DSC07186
Lord Gregor: Checking their spells.
Lord Gregor: Checking their spells.
Lord Gregor: Getting our orders.
Lord Gregor: Getting our orders.
Lord Gregor: Late comers.
Lord Gregor: Late comers.
Lord Gregor: The fighting tournament.
Lord Gregor: DSC07195
Lord Gregor: The fighting tournament.
Lord Gregor: The fighting tournament.