Lord Gregor: Our hotel room in Philadelphia
Lord Gregor: Our hotel room in Philadelphia
Lord Gregor: Our hotel room in Philadelphia
Lord Gregor: A dragon in Philly
Lord Gregor: Franklin's Privy
Lord Gregor: Franklin's Privy
Lord Gregor: Horse & Carriage Rides
Lord Gregor: Independence Hall
Lord Gregor: Waiting patiently
Lord Gregor: The Liberty Bill!
Lord Gregor: A large mural in Philly
Lord Gregor: Where Franklin walks...
Lord Gregor: A street in Philly.
Lord Gregor: The stadium
Lord Gregor: Please Touch Museum!
Lord Gregor: Please Touch Museum!
Lord Gregor: Happy Birthday!
Lord Gregor: The water section.
Lord Gregor: Steven playing in the water.
Lord Gregor: A cloudy day.
Lord Gregor: The Statue of Liberty...sort of...
Lord Gregor: Always looking for a chance to pose.
Lord Gregor: Always looking for a chance to pose.
Lord Gregor: Always looking for a chance to pose.
Lord Gregor: Always looking for a chance to pose.
Lord Gregor: Alice in Wonderland
Lord Gregor: Alice in Wonderland
Lord Gregor: A new perspective.
Lord Gregor: A new perspective.
Lord Gregor: Kevin & Brother Bear