Lord Gregor: The Washington Memorial.
Lord Gregor: The Washington Memorial.
Lord Gregor: The World War II Memorial.
Lord Gregor: The World War II Memorial.
Lord Gregor: Dipping their feet.
Lord Gregor: A family of Geese.
Lord Gregor: A family of Geese.
Lord Gregor: A family portrait.
Lord Gregor: The Lincoln Memorial
Lord Gregor: The Lincoln Memorial
Lord Gregor: Steven in front of the White House.
Lord Gregor: Close up of the White House.
Lord Gregor: Close up of the White House.
Lord Gregor: Arlington Cemetery
Lord Gregor: On the way to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Lord Gregor: The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Lord Gregor: The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Lord Gregor: Taking a break.
Lord Gregor: On the way to the Air & Space Museum.
Lord Gregor: At the Air & Space Museum
Lord Gregor: Kevin landing a plane.
Lord Gregor: A Lioness relaxing.
Lord Gregor: Compairing Size.
Lord Gregor: The discription of the a Tigars paw
Lord Gregor: Compairing Size.
Lord Gregor: A Prairie dog
Lord Gregor: Some turtles up close.
Lord Gregor: A waterfall for the turtles.
Lord Gregor: A Sea Lion underwater.
Lord Gregor: A Sea Lion getting his teeth cleaned.