Lord Gregor: Shamus Kylie (sp?) Earl of Kilkenny
Lord Gregor: Sir Arthur and Sir Thomas
Lord Gregor: Sir Steven on his loyal steed
Lord Gregor: Cool Armor
Lord Gregor: Another performer
Lord Gregor: My new garb
Lord Gregor: The opening show.
Lord Gregor: A cool dressed, but evil pirate
Lord Gregor: The bad guys have found the princess
Lord Gregor: The pirates of the faire
Lord Gregor: King Richard and the Queen pose for me
Lord Gregor: Cool armor
Lord Gregor: The King, Queen, and the Lost boys
Lord Gregor: A wench and her pirate
Lord Gregor: The gang
Lord Gregor: Another well dressed patron
Lord Gregor: Some well dressed patrons
Lord Gregor: Some gargoyals
Lord Gregor: Aerial Angels
Lord Gregor: Aerial Angels
Lord Gregor: Aerial Angels
Lord Gregor: Another tiger cub
Lord Gregor: A tiger cub
Lord Gregor: Some tiger cubs
Lord Gregor: I can't remember what this is?
Lord Gregor: I can't remember what this is?
Lord Gregor: A beautiful tiger
Lord Gregor: A beautiful tiger
Lord Gregor: A beautiful tiger
Lord Gregor: A baby tiger