lorda: Meg and Flora (Catherine in the back)
lorda: Me driving
lorda: View inside the car
lorda: Emily and Flora
lorda: Here we go
lorda: Trudging on
lorda: The throng of people
lorda: IMG_0594
lorda: Now what
lorda: Web help at the shore
lorda: Hanging out
lorda: Emily takes on the sea
lorda: Watching Emily surf
lorda: IMG_0600
lorda: IMG_0601
lorda: IMG_0602
lorda: IMG_0603
lorda: IMG_0604
lorda: Attack bird
lorda: The attack bird runs away
lorda: Mike's beach dance
lorda: IMG_0608
lorda: IMG_0609
lorda: Body surfing and boogie boarding
lorda: Mike heads off to give it a go
lorda: A view down the beach
lorda: Everyone cools off
lorda: Flora and Kaari playing in the waves
lorda: Mike trying to find the waves
lorda: Mike almost gets one