Carol Huffman: Blue Grosbeak? Possibly Juvy?
Carol Huffman: End of Another Perfect Day
Carol Huffman: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Carol Huffman: Red Foxx
Carol Huffman: Bald Eagle
Carol Huffman: Eastern Kingbird
Carol Huffman: American Goldfinch
Carol Huffman: Great Crested Flycatcher
Carol Huffman: Red Fox Young'un
Carol Huffman: Tree Swallow with an Attitude
Carol Huffman: Great Crested Flycatcher...again
Carol Huffman: Male Blue Grosbeak
Carol Huffman: Indigo Bunting
Carol Huffman: Eastern Kingbird
Carol Huffman: Watchful eye...
Carol Huffman: Marsh Wren
Carol Huffman: Common Yellowthroat
Carol Huffman: Common Yellowthroat
Carol Huffman: Indigo Bunting
Carol Huffman: Mystery Flower
Carol Huffman: Common Yellowthroat
Carol Huffman: My girl :-)