louise@toronto1: tree and building at dusk
louise@toronto1: putting away the kites
louise@toronto1: flying a kite in apeture priority
louise@toronto1: flying a kite at dusk
louise@toronto1: woman and child
louise@toronto1: building at dusk
louise@toronto1: small moon
louise@toronto1: tower at dusk
louise@toronto1: building with trees and moon
louise@toronto1: walkway at u of t
louise@toronto1: bird in tree at u of t
louise@toronto1: buildings
louise@toronto1: buildings at night
louise@toronto1: picture of photographer taking picture
louise@toronto1: shadow with feet
louise@toronto1: dark shadow and sidewalk
louise@toronto1: IMG_2733
louise@toronto1: child running
louise@toronto1: smelling the flowers
louise@toronto1: daffodils
louise@toronto1: daffodil
louise@toronto1: crocus ready to bloom
louise@toronto1: bud... but of what?
louise@toronto1: kites at dawn
louise@toronto1: flowers, coffee, street
louise@toronto1: orange chairs