lopicuore: Merry X'mas
lopicuore: ざわめく秋
lopicuore: From the window of the car そらいろ#29
lopicuore: 愛につつまれて
lopicuore: 光りにかこまれて
lopicuore: _MG_4384
lopicuore: _MG_4339
lopicuore: いらっしゃいませ
lopicuore: 誰を・・・
lopicuore: 消えゆく色
lopicuore: Indigo  そらいろ#34
lopicuore: 雨の日の記憶・・・
lopicuore: 昇華
lopicuore: それぞれの時間
lopicuore: 静寂
lopicuore: Amorousness of bamboo
lopicuore: 雨の記憶
lopicuore: 光に咲く
lopicuore: 星フル夜ニ
lopicuore: それぞれの時間
lopicuore: One day the moment
lopicuore: 。。。。