Lopamudra !: Monolithic face of nature by a designing river !
Lopamudra !: Promenade
Lopamudra !: The pink of elegance !
Lopamudra !: The silver thread
Lopamudra !: The life line
Lopamudra !: Chandra designing herself
Lopamudra !: Mountain kids
Lopamudra !: End of a day's game !
Lopamudra !: The lunchtime variety !
Lopamudra !: Forget me not !
Lopamudra !: Just touched 5000 Mts ribbon !
Lopamudra !: Holy bell
Lopamudra !: I hear you !
Lopamudra !: The Nature's marvel !
Lopamudra !: A Turquoise on Himalayan crown !
Lopamudra !: On the mirror of Chandra
Lopamudra !: The blue lake
Lopamudra !: Friends, I'm back with greetings from the top of the World
Lopamudra !: O Lord !
Lopamudra !: Freedom of being !
Lopamudra !: Tranquil flow of life !
Lopamudra !: Chandratal (the Moon lake)~~revisited !!!
Lopamudra !: Peace has its victory !
Lopamudra !: I wandered lonely as a cloud......
Lopamudra !: Dreamland !
Lopamudra !: O life !
Lopamudra !: Miles to go....
Lopamudra !: Eyes blessed !
Lopamudra !: Solang!
Lopamudra !: Suraj tal ( the Sun lake )