Lopamudra !:
Lake Tso Moriri !!
Lopamudra !:
Lake Pangong Tso !!
Lopamudra !:
Life of the highlanders !!
Lopamudra !:
In company of silence....
Lopamudra !:
Sumur valley !!
Lopamudra !:
Bird's eye view !!
Lopamudra !:
The view from a deeper zone !!
Lopamudra !:
That's a highway !!
Lopamudra !:
Tradition !!
Lopamudra !:
How small we are !!
Lopamudra !:
A little cream on the crown !!
Lopamudra !:
From the top of the pass !!
Lopamudra !:
Asian Rosy Finch !!
Lopamudra !:
Shadows painted !!
Lopamudra !:
Stupas !!
Lopamudra !:
The view from the top....
Lopamudra !:
Peace !!
Lopamudra !:
The road through the Moonland !!
Lopamudra !:
Aryan lass !!
Lopamudra !:
Lopamudra !:
The beauty lies in how you see around....
Lopamudra !:
Walking in the sky....
Lopamudra !:
Rupshu valley !!
Lopamudra !:
The message of peace !!
Lopamudra !:
There's a hard way to attain peace...
Lopamudra !:
As the day slowly fades....so does the stream...
Lopamudra !:
There's always a surprise beyond a bend...
Lopamudra !:
Hiding the shadows under wings....
Lopamudra !:
The entrance !!
Lopamudra !:
A foggy morning !!