Loop B: Dave and Ari's house
Loop B: The Greenhouse side of the Biosphere
Loop B: The BioSphere Admin Side
Loop B: Where Farm Fields were area of the Biosphere
Loop B: Dave and Ari Listening
Loop B: Looking back at the Ocean and the Rain Forest
Loop B: The Desert
Loop B: Insides of the Lung
Loop B: The Lungs of the BioSphere
Loop B: Dave at the BioSphere
Loop B: BioSphere
Loop B: Dave and his Orange Tree
Loop B: Dave, Ari, Bella and their cute Little House
Loop B: The Line Steers
Loop B: The Steers from the Truck Window
Loop B: Look at the Valley Floor out in the Distance
Loop B: Ari and Dave stopping to Patch Me Up
Loop B: The View from the start of the Trail head
Loop B: From the hike in Cochise Strong Hold
Loop B: The Valley Floor
Loop B: Ari looking for Bella
Loop B: Looking Back at the Valley
Loop B: Dave Below us Scouting out the Route
Loop B: Popeye and Ari
Loop B: Cochise Strong Hold
Loop B: Some of Dave's favorite Climbs in the Corando
Loop B: From our highest point
Loop B: Dave and Ari
Loop B: Dave and Ari
Loop B: Cochise Strong Hold