Shadow Giant:
hover fly porn!
Shadow Giant:
Isabella just saw a bumble bee.
Shadow Giant:
Sam, yep eating again.
Shadow Giant:
Sam and Isabella enjoying a picnic in our garden.
Shadow Giant:
Another Garden Cross spider.
Shadow Giant:
Salticus senicus.
Shadow Giant:
Garden Cross spider, so many around right now.
Shadow Giant:
Salticus Senicus.
Shadow Giant:
Salticus Senicus in our garden. i still find it hard to photograph them well.
Shadow Giant:
Karen and Isabella.
Shadow Giant:
Me and Isabella, yes I had a thumb injury.
Shadow Giant:
Isabella watching Sam dancing on hot stones.
Shadow Giant:
Sam now knows stones do get hot in the sun.
Shadow Giant:
Karen, Sam ans Isabella at Moors Valley.
Shadow Giant:
Sam, eating AGAIN.
Shadow Giant:
Isabella enjoying the sand at Moors Valley.
Shadow Giant:
Looks hot in more ways than one.
Shadow Giant:
The wife Karen in the shade at Moors Valley