lookseeseen: family outing
lookseeseen: great horned owl and young
lookseeseen: great horned owl and great blue heron
lookseeseen: two of the rookery trees
lookseeseen: ospreys and nest
lookseeseen: red winged blackbird approches snag in heron rookery
lookseeseen: bringing a stick
lookseeseen: wetland reflections
lookseeseen: horned grebe
lookseeseen: ring necked ducks pair
lookseeseen: setting halo
lookseeseen: sunset with contrail
lookseeseen: skunk cabbages
lookseeseen: this year's skunks
lookseeseen: cattails
lookseeseen: downtown Schenectady, NY
lookseeseen: portal
lookseeseen: downtown albany, ny
lookseeseen: these fake owls are popping up all over
lookseeseen: artpark sculpture
lookseeseen: abany, ny july 4 fireworks
lookseeseen: clambake
lookseeseen: circumhorizon arc
lookseeseen: full yellow moon
lookseeseen: motel sign 1
lookseeseen: motel sign 2
lookseeseen: contrail casting shadow
lookseeseen: contrail with shadow
lookseeseen: corona discharge to copper sphere