lookseeseen: textures and temperatures
lookseeseen: Pāhoehoe
lookseeseen: Lava Project . Syracuse University
lookseeseen: preparing the pour
lookseeseen: the flow begins
lookseeseen: Professor Karson measures the flow temparature with a thermal camera
lookseeseen: couldn't stand close to this for more than a few seconds
lookseeseen: lava flow project
lookseeseen: a 'toe'
lookseeseen: cooling, but still well over 600° F.
lookseeseen: the lava continued to flow and inflate at the lower end after the pour was over
lookseeseen: paper tossed on the flow ignites instantly
lookseeseen: cooling flow sloughs off shards
lookseeseen: inspecting the cooling flow
lookseeseen: note the ropey surface