Look In The Tunk: Little Note
Look In The Tunk: My new house
Look In The Tunk: My new house
Look In The Tunk: Class colors @ Mary Baldwin
Look In The Tunk: Dorm Spending Spree #1
Look In The Tunk: Dorm Spending Spee #2
Look In The Tunk: Last Dorm Spree, 8/16/08
Look In The Tunk: The Night Before The First Day
Look In The Tunk: Car all Packed Up.
Look In The Tunk: Saying Bye to my Stuffed Animals
Look In The Tunk: My Last Picture of Maggie
Look In The Tunk: 16oz Coke products
Look In The Tunk: The First Day
Look In The Tunk: The First Day
Look In The Tunk: The Fist Day
Look In The Tunk: The First Day
Look In The Tunk: The First Day
Look In The Tunk: JESUS DUCK
Look In The Tunk: My Dorm Room
Look In The Tunk: Where the action takes place
Look In The Tunk: Candle thing
Look In The Tunk: Former Wal Mart; Staunton ,VA
Look In The Tunk: Teresa's birthday
Look In The Tunk: Taco Bell, Staunton Va
Look In The Tunk: Staunton Mall
Look In The Tunk: Food Lion House, Staunton, VA
Look In The Tunk: Steve & Barrys, Dying, Staunton Mall, Staunton, VA
Look In The Tunk: Steve & Barrys, Dying, Staunton Mall, Staunton VA