Look In The Tunk: Thumper the Dog
Look In The Tunk: Pink Blanket
Look In The Tunk: First Christmas 1983
Look In The Tunk: Thumper Taking Care Of Me Apparently
Look In The Tunk: Easter 1984
Look In The Tunk: christmas1986
Look In The Tunk: Christmas 1986
Look In The Tunk: Seeing Santa Claus at Roses -- 1987 I think
Look In The Tunk: KMart (Hampton, VA 1988)
Look In The Tunk: Christmas 1988
Look In The Tunk: Newmarket Fair Mall Santa! (1989)
Look In The Tunk: Mrs. Scott (Thanksgivng, 1991)
Look In The Tunk: Doll Collection (1992)
Look In The Tunk: Al Borland & I
Look In The Tunk: 10th Birthday (1993)
Look In The Tunk: Operation Holiday 1993
Look In The Tunk: 10th Birthday? 1994?
Look In The Tunk: Elementary School Graduation Party June 10 1994
Look In The Tunk: 1997, 13 years old
Look In The Tunk: Sanrio Surprises, Diamond Center Mall, Anchorage Alaska
Look In The Tunk: 13th Birthday (1996)
Look In The Tunk: 13th Birthday Cake (1996)
Look In The Tunk: Room 1996
Look In The Tunk: Room 1996
Look In The Tunk: Room 1997
Look In The Tunk: Me in 1997 (8th grade)
Look In The Tunk: Room 1997
Look In The Tunk: 1997 Alaska Trip
Look In The Tunk: Christmas 1997?