Looking Glass Photo: Flee shooting with the CLAP.
Looking Glass Photo: Flee's got it!
Looking Glass Photo: Our magnificent building, shot from across the street.
Looking Glass Photo: Anita's down there somewhere.
Looking Glass Photo: Sweet shades. We sell 'em.
Looking Glass Photo: Again, some wonky composition. There's no lcd screen, so it's all guesswork. But surprises are fun.
Looking Glass Photo: Composition can be surprising, in a good way.
Looking Glass Photo: Fire hydrant.
Looking Glass Photo: Bobby, our FedEx driver!
Looking Glass Photo: Qispi from behind.
Looking Glass Photo: An interesting photo of an interesting dog.
Looking Glass Photo: FedEx truck cab.
Looking Glass Photo: Flee n Qispi.
Looking Glass Photo: Saying hello.
Looking Glass Photo: Easy to get up close without bothering anyone.