look4trains: CP 8918 East Grand Forks
look4trains: CP 8825 East Grand Forks
look4trains: BNSF 289 West Devils Lake Sub MP 22
look4trains: BNSF 289 West Devils Lake Sub MP 22
look4trains: BNSF 7887 West at MP 22-Devils Lake Sub
look4trains: CN 2246 West on the Oliver Bridge
look4trains: CN 3931 East on the Oliver Bridge
look4trains: CN 2905 South at Jeffrey Road
look4trains: DMIR 408 at Proctor
look4trains: DMIR 408 Run Around at the Dock
look4trains: Rock up the Hill
look4trains: Missabe Junction Jam Up
look4trains: DMIR 409 Up the Hill
look4trains: CN 3879 Drifts Down Steelton Hill
look4trains: Shoving up Steelton Hill
look4trains: Gorilla in the Mist
look4trains: Transfer at Proctor
look4trains: Trio of Dash 9's Approach Steelton
look4trains: Tier 4's Conquer the Climb