look4trains: BNSF 7403 east of New York Mills
look4trains: BNSF 9945 leaves Frazee behind
look4trains: BNSF 809 near Hawley
look4trains: BNSF 8902 coming into Hawley
look4trains: BNSF 7680 entering Hawley
look4trains: BNSF 809 meet at Richards Spur
look4trains: BNSF 7395 rounds the curve at Hawley
look4trains: DMIR 409 east of Ramshaw
look4trains: DMIR 400-Light Engines at Iron Junction
look4trains: DME 6056 leaving Blooming Prairie
look4trains: BNSF 8956 at MP 99 on the Staples Sub
look4trains: BNSF 9194 Dashing through the Snow