Lonnon Foster: Enter the Meatrix
Lonnon Foster: Home office (not just Lego storage)
Lonnon Foster: ED-209
Lonnon Foster: IMG_7298
Lonnon Foster: Vorfecther
Lonnon Foster: brushed steel, back of road sign
Lonnon Foster: Zombie mall
Lonnon Foster: No zombies allowed
Lonnon Foster: Left 4 Dead
Lonnon Foster: brushed steel, back of road sign
Lonnon Foster: IMG_7566
Lonnon Foster: IMG_7157
Lonnon Foster: Starbucks of the Damned
Lonnon Foster: Forward port side
Lonnon Foster: Micro Minas Tirith
Lonnon Foster: Benny's 30th Birthday
Lonnon Foster: IMG_7182
Lonnon Foster: VF-4 Valkyrie
Lonnon Foster: Turtle Dove
Lonnon Foster: Fighting the undead
Lonnon Foster: Teknomecha v2.0
Lonnon Foster: Spaceship wreck in ruins
Lonnon Foster: Hauler
Lonnon Foster: Bionicle refrigerator