longsheds: Somebody lost something
longsheds: Chaffinches are lovely https://youtu.be/l_QtHjQjeFs
longsheds: Our Wood Pigeon
longsheds: Young Chaffinch
longsheds: Swallow
longsheds: A sileage day
longsheds: A song thush in the morning
longsheds: A song thush in the morning
longsheds: Taking a break - from nest building!
longsheds: Reed Bunting - Daddy
longsheds: Our hare and a mummy pheasant (one of three)
longsheds: Evensong
longsheds: Misty moisty morning
longsheds: He's been back - must be some tasty grubs in the dead Hawthorn
longsheds: Woodpecker - Great Spotted we think
longsheds: Visitor at the gate
longsheds: Song thrush!
longsheds: Goldfinch
longsheds: Our Crow
longsheds: Pied Wagtail
longsheds: Our Crow- or is it a Raven?
longsheds: Song Thrush March 2018
longsheds: Our Robin (in full song)
longsheds: Redwing 26.02.18 (and Elderflower)
longsheds: Redwing 26.02.18
longsheds: February snow - Geese
longsheds: January Snow 18/01/2018
longsheds: No.6 Egg Arriving
longsheds: Our Pheasant
longsheds: Our Pheasant