LongInt57: Northern 'Red-shafted' Flicker on Stucco Wire (male)
LongInt57: Northern 'Red-shafted' Flicker on a Pine Tree 5 (male)
LongInt57: Northern 'Red-shafted' Flicker on a Pine Tree 4 (male)
LongInt57: Northern 'Red-shafted' Flicker on a Pine Tree 3 (male)
LongInt57: Northern 'Red-shafted' Flicker on a Pine Tree 2 (male)
LongInt57: Northern 'Red-shafted' Flicker on a Pine Tree 1 (male)
LongInt57: Northern "Red-shafted" Flicker on a Power Pole 2 (female)
LongInt57: Northern "Red-shafted" Flicker on a Power Pole 1 (female)
LongInt57: Hairy Woodpecker on Suet 3
LongInt57: Hairy Woodpecker on Suet 2
LongInt57: Hairy Woodpecker on Suet 1
LongInt57: Can't Quite Reach
LongInt57: Gulp
LongInt57: Northern 'Red-shafted' Flicker on a Fir Tree 2 (male)
LongInt57: Northern 'Red-shafted' Flicker on a Pine Tree (male)
LongInt57: Northern "Red-shafted" Flicker on a Stump 3 (Male)
LongInt57: Northern "Red-shafted" Flicker on a Stump 2 (male)
LongInt57: Northern "Red-shafted" Flicker on a Stump 1 (male)
LongInt57: Northern "Red-shafted" Flicker on a Fir Tree 1 (male)
LongInt57: Northern "Red-shafted" Flicker on a Fence Post (female)
LongInt57: Norther Flicker on a Maple Tree 2 (male)
LongInt57: Norther Flicker on a Maple Tree 1 (male)
LongInt57: Tongue-flicking Flicker
LongInt57: Just Blending In
LongInt57: Pileated Woodpecker in the Cedars
LongInt57: Pileated Woodpecker in the Firs
LongInt57: Flicker Daddy Feeding Son
LongInt57: Juvenile Male Flicker in Nest 2
LongInt57: Mama Flicker on Guard Duty 1
LongInt57: Mama Flicker on Guard Duty 2