michelle.longo: 1/365: August 12
michelle.longo: 2/365: Grapes on a string.
michelle.longo: 3/365: oh wespac.
michelle.longo: 4/365: tomatoes are ripe.
michelle.longo: 5/365: Birthday Brunch
michelle.longo: 6/365: Don't kill the magic.
michelle.longo: 7/365: My last week!
michelle.longo: 8/365: Last night at Hill House!
michelle.longo: 9/365: BoTan Station!
michelle.longo: 10/365: Yula and the Extended Family
michelle.longo: 11/365: even in Lawn Guyland...
michelle.longo: 12/365: monsooon!
michelle.longo: 13/365: I have lot's of organizing to do!
michelle.longo: 14/365: "MOM, I SEE A BUNNY, CAN YOU HOLD MY UKULELE?"
michelle.longo: 15/365: Come Sail Away
michelle.longo: 16/365: halt the hike!
michelle.longo: 17/365: I DID go out today...
michelle.longo: 18/365: I swear I need a haircut.
michelle.longo: 19/365: clearly, my train riding notebook.
michelle.longo: 20/365: pinhole polaroid fun!
michelle.longo: 21/365: SO LONG TO THE SUMMER
michelle.longo: 22/365: First late night of the FIT season.. (BUT NOT MY FAULT).
michelle.longo: 23/365: A bicycle shop.
michelle.longo: 24/365: better history
michelle.longo: 25/365: silly stew's.
michelle.longo: 26/365: HOWL! 2009
michelle.longo: 27/365: on the look out.
michelle.longo: 28/365: Doing my homework after breakfast.
michelle.longo: 29/365: late night wednesdays.
michelle.longo: 30/365: reclaiming screens!