Vintage Snowboards: Ultra Rare Fiberglass Square Nose Barfoot Snoboard
Vintage Snowboards: Barfoot Logo, preCLAW
Vintage Snowboards: Early Barfoot Snowboard
Vintage Snowboards: Vintage Barfoot Snoboard
Vintage Snowboards: Wood Grain/Gold Barfoot Snoboard
Vintage Snowboards: Barfoot Snowboards
Vintage Snowboards: Barfoot Snoboard
Vintage Snowboards: Mike Kloek Barfoot, 1983
Vintage Snowboards: Barfoot Kloek Spiked Deck
Vintage Snowboards: 1983 Barfoot Kloek with Prop Bindings
Vintage Snowboards: Barfoot Kloek Spiked Deck...GREEN!
Vintage Snowboards: Barfoot Team Snowboard, 1986
Vintage Snowboards: Winter 85/86 BARFOOT ROUNDTAIL
Vintage Snowboards: Barfoot Twin Tip Snowboard, one of a kind
Vintage Snowboards: Barfoot Freestyle Hawk - McGill stickers
Vintage Snowboards: Rare Barfoot Twin-Tip Snoboards
Vintage Snowboards: underneath a barfoot binding plate
Vintage Snowboards: Barfoot Logos
Vintage Snowboards: Barfoot Freekstyle
Vintage Snowboards: Barfoot Freekstyle Snowboard
Vintage Snowboards: Mike Nakamura, Barfoot Snoboards
Vintage Snowboards: Matt Donovan and a Grip of his Prop Snowboards, circa 1985
Vintage Snowboards: Chuck Barfoot, 1984
Vintage Snowboards: Chuck Barfoot at the Santa Claus Lane Snoboard Shop, circa 1985
Vintage Snowboards: 1st Barfoot FREEKSTYLE, 1986
Vintage Snowboards: Evan Feen and Keith Kimmell, Tahoe, 1987
Vintage Snowboards: Barfoot boards
Vintage Snowboards: barfoot magazine spread