Lone Primate:
Dorset, Ontario
Lone Primate:
Minden below
Lone Primate:
Halls Lake 2
Lone Primate:
Morning in Bloomington
Lone Primate:
Quaint combo
Lone Primate:
Kawartha skies
Lone Primate:
Kawartha skies 2
Lone Primate:
Wires by Horseshoe Lake
Lone Primate:
Beside Gull Lake
Lone Primate:
Near the end of Gull Lake
Lone Primate:
Canada -- closed for season
Lone Primate:
The view over Minden
Lone Primate:
Minden domesticity
Lone Primate:
Halls Lake beach
Lone Primate:
Alongside Lake of Bays
Lone Primate:
You don't say
Lone Primate:
Dorset Observation Tower
Lone Primate:
Hwy 35 in Dorset
Lone Primate:
Dorset Observation Tower Information Centre
Lone Primate:
Dorset Hwy 35 bridge
Lone Primate:
Sightseers over Dorset
Lone Primate:
Overlooking Dorset
Lone Primate:
Rock cut on Hwy 35
Lone Primate:
Cuts on Hwy 35
Lone Primate:
The blasted face
Lone Primate:
Moment in Huntsville
Lone Primate:
Hwy 11 under construction, 2009
Lone Primate:
Four-laning Hwy 11
Lone Primate:
They do call it Big Sky Country...
Lone Primate:
Sweety I Forgot My Wallet