Lone Primate:
B&W starway
Lone Primate:
B&W Park trail ford
Lone Primate:
Lone Primate:
Dream(catch)ing in black and white
Lone Primate:
East Don from Old Cummer Avenue bridge
Lone Primate:
Grey day on Finch
Lone Primate:
Lone Primate:
Sentinels march unmoving
Lone Primate:
Lone Primate:
The illusion of control
Lone Primate:
Lone Primate:
The grasp of winter
Lone Primate:
Entrance to Finch East Greenbelt
Lone Primate:
Finch Avenue west of Leslie Street
Lone Primate:
Floodplain of Finch East Greenbelt
Lone Primate:
Highway 407 over Highway 404
Lone Primate:
Hobart and Seneca Hill
Lone Primate:
Looking into the Don Valley
Lone Primate:
Lone Primate:
Seneca Hill approaching Finch
Lone Primate:
Seneca Hill eastbound
Lone Primate:
Pathway to the bridge, Phyllis Rawlinson Park, Richmond Hill, Ontario
Lone Primate:
Erin Mills Town Centre under construction, 1989
Lone Primate:
Second Line West, 1989, tighter angle
Lone Primate:
Second Line West, 1989, wider angle
Lone Primate:
Suzuki 1
Lone Primate:
Suzuki 2
Lone Primate:
Suzuki 3
Lone Primate:
Suzuki 4
Lone Primate:
Tenth Line, west side, south of Britannia, winter 1989