Lone Primate: You might want a running start
Lone Primate: Where once sat the poind
Lone Primate: The Oldest House in Halton Region, 1816
Lone Primate: Squidly Diddly, b'y!
Lone Primate: Raptor
Lone Primate: Pillars, old and older still
Lone Primate: Now you see it
Lone Primate: In transition
Lone Primate: IR Lions Valley Park
Lone Primate: IR Dundas held to the sky
Lone Primate: IR Dundas bridge at Sixteen Mile Creek
Lone Primate: IR Dundas Street bridges: past, present, future
Lone Primate: Dundas at 16 Mile Creek
Lone Primate: Captain to the bridge
Lone Primate: Bridges galore
Lone Primate: Bend and bridge
Lone Primate: Across the valley
Lone Primate: Abutment and support, old bridge
Lone Primate: A look down Sixteen Mile Creek
Lone Primate: A look down Lions Valley Park Road
Lone Primate: A look at the bridge
Lone Primate: Proudfoot's Hollow, c.1880
Lone Primate: Vanity
Lone Primate: Past present future
Lone Primate: IR Proudfoot's Hollow
Lone Primate: IR Down in the valley
Lone Primate: IR Footbridge
Lone Primate: IR Hollow and bridge
Lone Primate: IR Sixteen Mile Creek
Lone Primate: Coming up next...