Lone Primate: What manner of beast am I?
Lone Primate: What manner of beast two
Lone Primate: A skeleton in wood
Lone Primate: Uncle Bill, one
Lone Primate: Uncle Bill, two
Lone Primate: The martyring of St. Toaster
Lone Primate: Robotic gas pump of the future!!
Lone Primate: Romanian figure skater
Lone Primate: Throne of the Forest King
Lone Primate: Calling all aliens
Lone Primate: They went that-a way!
Lone Primate: Standing on the corner, watching all the squirrels go by
Lone Primate: Woman Is the Robot of the World
Lone Primate: Ersatz Statue of Liberty
Lone Primate: Jesus in the park
Lone Primate: IR They went that-a way!
Lone Primate: IR Ersatz Statue of Liberty
Lone Primate: IR Woman Is the Robot of the World
Lone Primate: IR Standing on the corner, watching all the squirrels go by
Lone Primate: IR Calling all aliens
Lone Primate: IR A head in the stars