Lone Primate: Setting off at the start of the trail
Lone Primate: Larger part of Kettle Lake
Lone Primate: Smaller part of Kettle Lake
Lone Primate: Well, it'll do, I guess
Lone Primate: If it's not Scottish it's CRAP!!!
Lone Primate: 'Highlands' detail
Lone Primate: Not Appalachia... Niagara!
Lone Primate: The miracle tree
Lone Primate: Close-up of the miracle tree
Lone Primate: Downslope
Lone Primate: To give you some idea...
Lone Primate: Credit River floodplain
Lone Primate: Stalking the river
Lone Primate: Down at the Credit River
Lone Primate: HDR Credit River
Lone Primate: Hard, cold, and wet
Lone Primate: In remembrance
Lone Primate: Credit River trailside
Lone Primate: Credit landing
Lone Primate: Nature's rock garden
Lone Primate: Nature's rock garden 2
Lone Primate: Bruce Trail marker
Lone Primate: Rollercoaster on foot
Lone Primate: The quick way down
Lone Primate: P-Doug to the rescue again!
Lone Primate: 400 million years and it's still a mess
Lone Primate: First glimpse of the falls
Lone Primate: You don't say
Lone Primate: The Six Million Dollar Man(iac)
Lone Primate: Power plant ruins 1