Lone Primate: Rails
Lone Primate: Reaching out from the shades
Lone Primate: Captain Fluke
Lone Primate: The story of what's beyond
Lone Primate: O guardian light
Lone Primate: Huddled masses yearning to breathe free
Lone Primate: In case of fire
Lone Primate: Controls
Lone Primate: Blue pen
Lone Primate: 400W @ 1/4000th of a second
Lone Primate: You have your choice
Lone Primate: They have landed
Lone Primate: Dream catcher
Lone Primate: Cherchez la femme
Lone Primate: Tooth wisdom 3
Lone Primate: Tooth wisdom 2
Lone Primate: Tooth wisdom 1