Lone Primate: Rowntree Road at the Humber River, 1960
Lone Primate: EF 18-55 with 0.8 wide angle attachment
Lone Primate: Looking down Rowntree Mill Road
Lone Primate: The end of Rowntree Mill Road, 2006
Lone Primate: For sale
Lone Primate: Rowntree Mill Park, looking west
Lone Primate: Looking back to Rowntree Mill Road
Lone Primate: Rowntree Mill Park floodplain
Lone Primate: Apartments on the new course of Rowntree Road
Lone Primate: Caution flood warning
Lone Primate: Wooden bridge carried car traffic
Lone Primate: Rowntree Road bridge
Lone Primate: Rowntree bridge and the Humber River
Lone Primate: Looking south down the Humber
Lone Primate: Rowntree bridge, looking east
Lone Primate: Side path off Rowntree path
Lone Primate: Rowntree Road, now and then
Lone Primate: Heading down Rowntree eastbound back to the Humber
Lone Primate: Looking up Rowntree towards Kipling Avenue
Lone Primate: Rowntree bridge looking east
Lone Primate: Crossing the bridge eastbound
Lone Primate: I love Jatinder
Lone Primate: Embankment
Lone Primate: Wonder if it worked out...
Lone Primate: Looking north up the Humber
Lone Primate: A generation of graffiti
Lone Primate: Top rail
Lone Primate: Humber River
Lone Primate: Fish + Water
Lone Primate: Rowntree bridge looking west