Lone Primate:
Tenth Line, west side, south of Britannia, winter 1989
Lone Primate:
Erin Mills Town Centre under construction, 1989
Lone Primate:
Second Line West, 1989, wider angle
Lone Primate:
Second Line West, 1989, tighter angle
Lone Primate:
Suzuki 1
Lone Primate:
Suzuki 2
Lone Primate:
Suzuki 3
Lone Primate:
Suzuki 4
Lone Primate:
Looking west along Eglinton Avenue from Winston Churchill Blvd., Mississauga, 1998
Lone Primate:
Looking west along Eglinton Avenue from Winston Churchill Blvd., Mississauga, 2006
Lone Primate:
Looking towards Erin Mills Town Centre from Winston Churchill and Eglinton, 2006
Lone Primate:
Looking south down Terry Fox Way (Second Line) towards Eglinton, 2006
Lone Primate:
Close-up of Terry Fox Way and Eglinton Avenue, 2006