Lone Primate:
Approaching from the north (from Lawrence Avenue)
Lone Primate:
Old Bayview Avenue Bridge, one
Lone Primate:
Old Bayview Avenue Bridge, two
Lone Primate:
Bayview and Lawrence, 1964 - 140
Lone Primate:
Traffic barrier
Lone Primate:
Looking down into the East Don River
Lone Primate:
The old and the new
Lone Primate:
Looking upstream
Lone Primate:
Under the bridge, one
Lone Primate:
Under the bridge, two
Lone Primate:
Under the bridge, three
Lone Primate:
Under the bridge, four
Lone Primate:
Under the bridge, five
Lone Primate:
Under the bridge, six
Lone Primate:
Condos In the Trees
Lone Primate:
The new bridge, one
Lone Primate:
The new bridge, two
Lone Primate:
The new bridge, three
Lone Primate:
The new bridge, four
Lone Primate:
The new bridge, five
Lone Primate:
Lone Primate:
The condos
Lone Primate:
Approaching from the north
Lone Primate:
Under Old Bayview Avenue bridge looking north
Lone Primate:
Under Old Bayview Avenue bridge facing south
Lone Primate:
Turn of the century (the 19th/20th)
Lone Primate:
Old Bayview Avenue bridge head-on facing north
Lone Primate:
Old Bayview Avenue bridge from the west
Lone Primate:
Old Bayview Avenue bridge from below from the west
Lone Primate:
Old Bayview Avenue bridge from the east