Lyle Glen: Feeling blue
Lyle Glen: The Jays
Lyle Glen: Hunger
Lyle Glen: Three's company
Lyle Glen: Blue Jay
Lyle Glen: Dove
Lyle Glen: Right - Male house Sparrow
Lyle Glen: Flying Jay (D7100 6400-ISO)
Lyle Glen: Incoming
Lyle Glen: Outgoing
Lyle Glen: Wings of liberty
Lyle Glen: Hairy Woodpecker
Lyle Glen: Cormorant
Lyle Glen: Seagulls
Lyle Glen: Black-capped Chickadee
Lyle Glen: Common Grackle
Lyle Glen: House sparrow
Lyle Glen: House Sparrow?
Lyle Glen: Male Downy Woodpecker
Lyle Glen: Double crested Cromorants
Lyle Glen: White breasted nuthatch
Lyle Glen: American Wigeon
Lyle Glen: Song Sparrow
Lyle Glen: White breasted Nuthatch
Lyle Glen: Rusty Blackbirds
Lyle Glen: Wild Turkey
Lyle Glen: Mute Swans
Lyle Glen: Yellow rumped Warbler
Lyle Glen: Savannah Sparrow
Lyle Glen: Black capped Chickadee