ianbckwltr: Never coming home. I'd have someone forward my mail, but there's no such thing as street addresses down here. (I'm not kidding.)
ianbckwltr: Snorkeling was a blast, but who ever heard of tiny jellyfish that you can't even see that will do this to you? (Still totally worth it)
ianbckwltr: No longer in the rainforest, still making new pals.
ianbckwltr: Survived hanging bridges, ziplining through & above the rainforest canopy, and the rough ride back down the mountain; after a few days spent at such great heights, it's nice to dip my toes in the Pacific at sea level and have nowhere to fall.
ianbckwltr: Literally putting the cart before the horse.
ianbckwltr: One last afternoon in the shadow of Arenal 🌋 before I drove my little 4x4 up to the high mountain region of Monteverde over roads that were charitably described to me as "unpaved". So here's your last look at me before the rest of my hair went com
ianbckwltr: We get it, Costa Rica, you're gorgeous. You can stop trying so hard.
ianbckwltr: Somewhat less interested in being friends....
ianbckwltr: Making more friends in the wild.
ianbckwltr: Making lots of new rainforest friends.
ianbckwltr: They grow the trees kinda big down here.
ianbckwltr: Buenvenido a Costa Rica
ianbckwltr: You guys, I think Werner Herzog had the idea for Twitter back in 1971. #fatamorgana
ianbckwltr: ~20° = prime Vermont porch-sittin' weather.
ianbckwltr: When you see a shell of an old school bus in the middle of the woods, miles from any road, with a KEEP OUT sign posted prominently, then you damn sure keep out. (Unless you're in a horror movie.) (Just got my Vermont pictures developed, so prepare for so
ianbckwltr: I'm really going to need to start going out and planting a tree at the end of every project I work on.
ianbckwltr: Donuts, first attempt. Dough ended up too dense and the result was somewhere between donut and cookie. But hey, it's fried dough covered in sugar, so the margin for error is pretty wide, right?
ianbckwltr: A Pigeon Sat on a Wall Reflecting Existence (the sequel)
ianbckwltr: So apparently in 1970 you could build an entire mainstream network sitcom episode around a central joke that depended on your audience just *knowing* immediately upon hearing his name that Toulouse-Lautrec was a really short guy.
ianbckwltr: First perfect park day of 2017
ianbckwltr: Saturday morning chill.
ianbckwltr: "Is the weather with you as rude and boisterous as it is with us? All here is tempest and inundation." -Pliny the Younger, by way of Raymond Pettibon This painting is like the completely abstracted equivalent of the malevolent seascapes I tend to en
ianbckwltr: The Raymond Pettibon exhibit at the #newmuseum is kind of overwhelming. He really takes these words to heart, that last line especially.
ianbckwltr: #fact
ianbckwltr: When people ask me if working in TV is more glamorous or exotic or exciting than normal jobs, I usually say no, but today I got to go to Staten Island for work, so I guess dreams really do come true.
ianbckwltr: What the first shoot week payroll feels like.
ianbckwltr: Ain't that the fuckin' truth. #herzog #evendwarvesstartedsmall
ianbckwltr: So there's something we need to talk about...
ianbckwltr: Chinatown, adding some color to this cold, grey March
ianbckwltr: Blizzard bread baking