London looks: 2005-11-13 remembrance 068
London looks: London chinatown
London looks: Big Ben London Eye
London looks: The Mall
London looks: IMGP0391 crop
London looks: great hall Westminster
London looks: fawkes effigy
London looks: guy fawkes
London looks: 2005-11-13 remembrance 053 2 crop
London looks: American section, Field of Remembrance
London looks: IMGP0520crop
London looks: Field of Remembrance
London looks: Remembrance 2005
London looks: Westminster Abbey November 2005
London looks: Cenotaph
London looks: Warden
London looks: Scanning the skies
London looks: Battle of Britain monument
London looks: 2005-10-22 010
London looks: Of all he surveys
London looks: IMGP0916
London looks: IMGP0917
London looks: 2005-10-01 089
London looks: 2005-10-01 084 edit
London looks: great court
London looks: British museum
London looks: I couldn't eat a whole one
London looks: IMGP0969